It’s #CuffingSeason… So hit me up.

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Reddit Leaks GOT Season 7: Signs point to the entire 7th Season of Game of Thrones has been spoiled by a mysterious Redditor. HBO has yet to comment.

SNL Election Night Clip: Best Clip from Dave Chappelle’s SNL going viral on YouTube.

Beauty and the Beast Trailer: Offical Trailer dropped on YouTube and gains praise.

People’s Sexiest Man Alive: The One, The Only… DWAYNE “THE ROCK” JOHNSON.


Grassroots Movement to Change Electoral College Votes: Petitions are popping up across the internet to target Electoral College members to switch their Trump ballots, elect Clinton.

Mike Pence and Plan Parenthood: Celebrities and People are donating to planned Parenthood in Mike Pence’s name, resulting in him receiving tons of unwanted mail to his P.O. Box.

Amazon Kills Black Friday: The traditional model of a “Black Friday Sale” has been thrown out the window by Amazon, who has decided to make their Black Friday sale last 52 days.


Lionel Messi Rejects Barcelona Contract: The Barca legend may not decide his long-term future, until the end of next season.


100 New Pokémon: 100 new Pokemon have been set free into the world of Pokemon Go!

Snapchat Adds Augmented Reality: Augmented Reality, or “World Lenses” are now a feature bolstered by Snapchat. Get ready to be able to add fun characters, symbols and more to your daily snap story, but this time as if you are standing right next to them.

Miscellaneous goes Skinny: Toblerone, who has recently been sold to Mondeleze Internation has revealed a new shape in order to cut costs. The new “Skinny Toblerone” is not being received well amongst internet fans.

Twitter Loves Joe Biden: An increase in Joe Biden memes seem to be taking Twitter and Reddit by storm. Guess Obama isn’t the only one who is going to be missed around the White House. (More Memes)

#StopClickbait: The Internet is taking justice into its own hands by the civilian managed Stop Clickbait page on Facebook, where viral clickbait articles are debunked in the text of the post. Page is getting tons of traction and re-posts on other social platforms.

#CuffingSeason: Thanks to multiple platforms, including Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram, single men and women are currently aware it’s “Cuffing Season” meaning the casual summer hook-up is no longer a thing, and winter cuddling is once again in trend. (**Vomit Noise**)